02 April 2008

Goals Acheived!

For all of you waiting with baited breath to hear which goals I accomplished and which I did NOT--here's your update:

1) Do actual work--I did SOME actual work, and SOME reading blogs and trolling the internet in general.

2) Do not lose temper with professional types--YEP! Although there was one particularly long rant to the Husband via IM. I will not name names.

3) Do not eat entire bag of Fritos--YEP! Although I did eat a small bowl of mac and cheese, a big bowl of strawberries and a small bowl of ice cream...I'm pretty sure that none of that is particularly good for my blood sugar levels either...but I managed to NOT EAT FRITOS!

4) Do not lose temper in staff meeting and demand to know when they're going to hire another admin to take some of the load off of me and my supervisor--YEP! Of course I was sort of distracted by all the news of people leaving...so I'm not sure how much weight this success should carry.

5) Do not lose temper with co-workers and yell at them to get bent and storm out--YEP! The staff meeting and the news of people leaving and the many many teary faces sort of put a damper on any rage I may have had at the beginning. What? I'm not completely heartless.

6) Finish machine sewing receiving blankets for the Boy--YEP! Machine sewing is done! I can now beginning the finishing bits...and the blankets are so so cute...and only one of them has a giant mistake in it that I'm going to pretend, La La LA isn't there.

7) Clean the bathroom already--NOPE! Technically this one isn't my fault though, The Husband said that he would do it and then spent the majority of the evening cooking or searching for apartments for us, so I can't really complain either way.

8) Vacuum the floors already--NOPE!! By the time I got done with the blankets I was exhausted and my back was killing me so I opted for secret hidden goal 11) Go to BED.

9) Make it through the work day without stripping off my clothes and completing my work in my very comfortable underwear--YEP!!! It was pretty close there around 4pm when there wasn't any one around...but I managed to make it through the day and into the apartment before tearing off my clothes...for those interested, there followed a good scratching and LOOSE pajamas.

10) Cook actual dinner for the Husband and not just soy corn dogs--YEP! Well, I made mashed potatoes and asparagus and he made Cajun meatloaf for him. I had a Boca chicken patty for protein. And then the strawberries. And then the ice cream.

As for my Guessers: Nearly everyone gets partial credit. Well done!

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