Baby Tamarins

I love this picture! Partly because The Child is approximately the same size as these monkeys and one can only hope that the Child is not quite as hairy but just as cute.
Tomorrow we're going to Baltimore to visit these people. I can't begin to tell you all how excited I am. If I had the energy I would totally be bouncing in my seat right now.
We were supposed to get snow this week. Supposed to. It didn't happen. We did get RAIN! And school kids got to sleep in and slack for RAIN! It cracks me up when they delay school the night before we're supposed to get icy weather. We're also supposed to get snow again tomorrow. HA! I'll believe it when I see it.
In the meantime, all I want to do right now is lay on the couch and read Harry Potter. Is this some sort of pregnancy symptom that nobody warned me about? Seriously. We have all kinds of great movies in our house and I have no interest in watching them. Poor Husband has been waiting so patiently for me to watch movies with him and all I want to do is read Harry Potter. I've also progressed from my DIRE craving for pineapple to an unquenchable craving for nachos with black beans and white corn and this salsa from Target that must have lime juice in it because it's just so perky!
Just thought you'd all want to know. I know how thrilling it is to keep up with crazy pregnant lady's cravings, so I'm really here to serve the public's voracious appetite for information. What can I say? We here at Burnstopia aim to please.
Let me there any real, serious, interesting news?
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Hmmm. Apparently, not so much. I suppose I shall now inquire, what are your plans for this weekend?
Well, I'm glad you included that picture, because if pressed I would have guessed that Tamarin was some kind of FRUIT. Hmm, I think that is TAMARIND. Ah well. CUTE, ANYWAY.
Good thing you're not craving tamarins to go with those nachos because that would be gross. Ha ha!
Now I understand: BALTIMORE. Have a great time.
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