12 December 2008

Such a Husband! Such a Wife!

It's been 4 days. 4 DAYS!!! The Husband finished his finals 4 days ago and now he's bored. Frustrated with being home and irritable.

4 DAYS!!!

I think it's humorous that in our modern age with all our modern sensibilities we still suffer the same contradictory feelings that people have suffered for ages past. The desire to be home, the desire to be away. Trying to enjoy peace and quiet and lazy calm and longing for action or at least something to do.

I've been reading the Aubreyad by Patrick O'Brian (it's the Husband's very favorite series of books, he's read them all through 3 or 4 times, I think). And in the 4th book the main character Jack Aubrey (he's a captain in the British navy during the Napoleonic wars) is married and at home because he doesn't have a command. He pines (PINES, I tell you!) to be at sea and away and in action and his wife, while trying to enjoy having him at home also longs for him to have a ship and be at sea and be happy. He soon is given a command and will be leaving to go to the Indian Ocean and as soon as the command comes, she begins to fuss over him to get him to delay a few days.

I was reading it last night and thinking about myself as a Wife. I LOVE having the Husband at home. He's my best friend. It's lovely to have some one who actually talks back! Who participates in a reciprocal conversation! Who laughs at your jokes! But he's tense and grumpy and restless and I know that he's bored with our quiet little life here. And so there is a part of me that thinks he needs something to do to take him out of the apartment and away from us, even for part of the day. And then I get tense and grumpy and restless because I LOVE him, I want him to be home! I want him to want to be at home. To enjoy being at home.

And there you have it. Thousands of years of human marital relations summed up in 1 sussinct paragraph.

And since there is no solution for this problem--not until January rolls around--I give you a picture of familial bliss from last night.

And yes. While a few days ago the Boy needed the most awesome hat that money could buy, now it's warm enough here that he can hang out in only a diaper with the door open and the fan on! (We actually turned the air conditioning on last night! In DECEMBER!!! What is this world coming to?!?)

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At December 12, 2008 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

Hahaha, so classic. So male. And yes, the key is not for them to merely BE at home, it is to WANT to be at home. That sentence was perfectly put! Cheer up Grumpy old Chris and hang in there Mama! When is Boston?

At December 12, 2008 at 11:36 AM , Anonymous Emily said...

So true!! Amen. I totally agree!! (Yes, I know I'm repeating myself. That just shows I can totally relate.) But, the boy will be talking back soon enough. And really "talking back" sooner than you want.

At December 12, 2008 at 12:34 PM , Anonymous Kristin said...

Perhaps, give it a few more days, the Husband will slowly acclimate to the quiet little life. However, be warned, right about the time a routine is established with Husband, he's off to school again busier than ever. You and the Boy are left alone once again, but now with a feeling of loss. At least, that's how each holiday plays out in this house. It's making me grumpy just thinking about it. I'll be in the cupboard looking for some holiday cheer.


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