21 October 2008

Miracle of the Day

So, I may have mentioned this before, but I cannot remember just now because I am all a-dither with excitement.

Once upon a time, the Husband and I were visiting la familia in Savannah and the FIL was flipping through the TV channels and happened upon a televangelist who was talking (in all caps) about how you have to EXPECT THE MIRACLE! BECAUSE MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING EVERYDAY SO IF YOU EXPECT THE MIRACLE THEN YOU WILL RECEIVE!!!


Here's the longer story.

Remember how I am a DUMB Mom? Yeah, well, she strikes again. I'm over it at this point. I consider it a miracle we even had a child, AND kept him alive this long...so my mistakes, yeah, they're just to be EXPECTED if you know what I mean.

My lovely friend, Sarah, was extolling the virtues of having Summer babies to me when I was bemoaning the fact that I would be 9 months pregnant in JULY in THE SOUTH, and she was all, "It's GREAT!!! All you need is a t-shirt and a diaper! No coats! No fleecies! No snowsuits!" And she was very very correct. It was brilliant! Especially at the end of the day when he was all Spit-up-Stinktastic and I could strip him down to just his diaper and give him a quick wipes bath. But alas, the Summer, it has ended.

Now, the Husband and I, we love us some Fall weather. We crack the doors and windows and we bask in the cool (i.e. COLD) fresh air. And lo, we are CHEAP so we don't turn the heat on in our apartment until it becomes FRIGID (i.e. weeks BELOW freezing). So, I was a bit baffled when our lovely Boy who had been getting only up once a night started getting up every 3-4 hours (and sometimes every 2)! He's grown out of his lovely layette gowns and into his full-on FEETY pajamas, and we would swaddle him up in a single piece of flannel every night.

It has sort of maybe got down below 40 the past week of nights when he was waking up every 2-3 hours...and it only just occured to me Sunday night, that...um...well, maybe he was a bit cold. I'm no genius here, but when I get up the 4th time with my wee Boy and his hands feel like ICE, it might be a sign that feety pajamas and a single weight flannel are just not sufficent to keep him warm.

Last night I filled him fully of delicious Mama-Cream, situated him in his feety pajamas and swaddled him up tight in a DOUBLE weight flannel blanket and lo, HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. 7 PM to 6:30 AM. Needless to say I have covered his face with kisses!

We just won't think about the kind of leaking or PAIN which occured in Bed Sweet Bed because of the Boy's neglect because OH THE JOY, HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!

Now you! What's your miracle of the day?

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At October 21, 2008 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

WAAAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOOOO!! Mark your calendars people, this is a GREAT DAY at Burnstopia!! Congrats Melissa!! That is a w e s o m e. My miracle? That I (well, Thatcher) survived yesterday. See, because yesterday TMan decided to go on a nap strike. Bad news. It made for a very grumpy boy and mother combo and it was one of those afternoons that I seriously was NOT SURE I would make it with my sanity in tact. But, thanks to Evan, super husband, we made it! Thank you, thank you very much!

At October 22, 2008 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Sarah said...

If you're wondering why I haven't commented yet it's because I am WAY beyond jealous. The unselfish, good friend part of my is SUPER EXCITED! YAY MELISSA! YAY CAMERON! YAY FOR BURNSTOPIA! But the selfish side of me is thinking "WHY HAS MY CHILD BEEN EATING EVERY TWO HOURS FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT?!?!?!?" Yes, I completely meant for that to be in all caps, and I'm not exaggerating. I'm hoping the end is near. I mean really, is this a Creamy Oktober-fest or what? Maybe he is doing some proxy work for Cameron in the middle of the night. In which case you should thank me. :) I love you and I hope you have another awesome night. Go Cameron!!!

Ohhh! I just looked at my word scramble and it contains the word "night" (mixed up of course). Surely this is a good sign, no?


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