18 October 2008

Wartime News

As many of you know we are currently under siege during yet another Epic Battle of Wills.

I thought you would all appreciate an update from the War front.

The Boy seems to understand the concept of a bedtime. As well as a wake-up time. In fact with a few exceptions he has them down pat. Almost like a fussy little alarm clock.

But the idea of napping at a set point during the day for a set amount of time seems to be beyond our boy wonder, and I find myself wondering if I should just throw in the towel. Call it a day. Sign the damn treaty of Versailles and be done with it. He usually naps. At some point. For varying lengths of time. Usually an hour or more. And there are days...I'm sure everyone has days...where he just refuses to sleep for longer than 30 minutes and he will drag us all to the chasm of HELL before he will nap for longer than 30 minutes. But in the grand scheme of things, they're just days...just occasions, not really a habit.

I'm wondering if my on-going quest for perfection is hampering my enjoyment of our usual days because the occasional days create a flaw in the pattern.

Anyway, the sucker in me, says that I should take what I have and be grateful for it. At some point he will appreciate his naps and they will stretch out. Also, he is just so darn cute...



At October 18, 2008 at 2:34 PM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

Melissa. I am going to have to stop coming to this blog!! I have a serious crush on your baby. It's not even healthy!!!!! Those black and white ones... geez, you're killing me kid!

At October 18, 2008 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

Hey... Can I be a buttinski and make a suggestion? Yes? You won't hate me? Okay, here goes:

I think that there's nothing wrong with a compromise. He's still a small little wee one, yo, and maybe you can try a nap schedule again sometime in the future? (I didn't even attempt to nap schedule with Alice until she was 6+ months - which may be later than some would do, but we're all Freewheeling like that). You've won the major battle and have him doing the wake-up / sleepy at the approximate time that works best for you, and you can enjoy that.

So that's my totally unsolicited advice: Yes, enjoy this time. It won't come again.

I love you.

Now go eat some homemade bread, you domestic goddess, you.

At October 18, 2008 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous Whimsy said...



So cute, I don't know how you get **anything** done.

At October 18, 2008 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous M said...

Krista--Seriously. This kid is killing me! Just when I think I could Fedex him to Siberia, he grins at me and I laugh and I couldn't love him more.

Whimsy--Thou art not a buttinski. Thou art a very supportive friend who has my sanity at heart and I am most grateful for the encouragement. And I am not a domestic goddess, for if I were I would have a beautifully decorated apartment instead of the spartan utilitarian style we have goin' on.

At October 18, 2008 at 5:53 PM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

You're sweet. But I don't know... I've heard those Spartans had some MAD kitchen skillz, so maybe it's in keeping with your people that you're not a decorating type.

As for me? I'm headed out to rake under the rosemary bushes and GOOD GRAVY ALMIGHTY I'm a little nervous about what I'm going to find under there.

At October 18, 2008 at 11:00 PM , Anonymous Sibley Saga .... said...

Wow. How can you get anything done around your place? I'd be sitting and staring...mesmerized...by yummy baby cheeks.

When and if I do ever get a baby of my own, the rest of the world will crumble around me as I focus on cheeks.

At October 19, 2008 at 11:10 PM , Anonymous Katrina said...

I'm with whimsy... I think you'll be much more sane if you don't expect the boy to be on a set schedule yet. I haven't even attempted a schedule... I just know it would end up causing me more grief at this point. I figure as long as the babe is generally happy and eating and sleeping throughout the day, we're fine. Your boy is awfully cute!


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