05 May 2009


Ahoy Maties

A while back I reviewed Broken for You and it was suggested that we try and do an online discussion of the aforementioned novel. It's happening! This Thursday! Go forth and conquer!


At May 5, 2009 at 11:52 AM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

So what if, um, perhaps, um, one of us hasn't quite finished the book? And is, maybe, um, only about a quarter of the way through? Um. And maybe, um, the reason, um, that the totally HYPOTHETICAL person, um, hasn't read the whole book, um, is because, "she" -not saying that it is a female, we're talking HYPOTHETICAL PERSON HERE-- so maybe "she" read a book about a rogue tooth fairy instead? And is now frantically trying to catch up? Even though her "child" --in this hypothetical scenario, the hypothetical person has a small girl-child-- so "her" "child" is having some kind of brain melting nap "issue" so is making it difficult for "our reader" to actually finish the book?

What would you suggest?

And remember: it's not like ANY OF THIS HAS HAPPENED. I'm just asking. For the sake of argument.


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