32 Weeks and No photographic evidence
Notice that t-shirt? Yep. I have some awesome brothers in law! They made that for me with the due date, gender and name on the front because I'm so so tired of people asking me When I'm due, What we're having and What's his name going to be. The irony is that 2 or 3 times during the day people still asked me...WHILE STARING STRAIGHT AT ME.
People are funny, what can I say.
Incidentally, this was taken at the Boy's baby shower--I refuse to call it mine, since most of the presents are for HIM! The fondue? It was for ME.
Anyway, many cool girls were there and they gave the Boy (and ME) some VERY cool things for which I am very grateful. It was fun and there were strawberries and chocolate fondue--next time, you should all come! There is no photographic evidence of this shower because, the camera? The Husband had it with him. Outside. The whole time. Brilliant.
In other news...
Every mother's day I make a German Chocolate cake (with the nasty coconut/pecan icing) for my mom because she loves this cake beyond all reason (why anyone would ruin perfectly good chocolate with COCONUT, I simply cannot understand). Anyway, I made the cake and the Husband, in his benevolence volunteered to make the icing for me because...lo, I hate coconut. So I said, SURE! You just follow the recipe.
The Husband also, inexplicably loves this cake and nasty frosting. So he made a double batch--because where he comes from MORE really is BETTER.**
So I put the cake together and lo, there is icing EVERYWHERE. Dripping down the sides, off the plate, on to the counters, some of it ended up on the floor--it's kind of like the BLOB from space but instead of taking over San Francisco or some suchness, it's taking over my kitchen.
I made a strawberry pie for me. With cream, natch.
And a gratuitous picture of the cats, because they are so adorable all curled up together, looking like they get along, when really, The Leike is thinking, "Cuddling my bum is beneath my dignity, please remove the offending parasite."
The Agnes is so blissed out she has no comment.
**The Husband has requested that I qualify this statement. "More is not ALWAYS better, just if it's a good fattening icing."
Labels: The Boy
I love you so much. Thanks for a good laugh. I'm so bummed I missed your shower. I got the invitation when I got home yesterday. Poop. And now you get a package in the mail...exciting!
Happy Mothers Day Mamma to be!! That boy is HUGE! You look great though, only 2 months left!!
It was good talking to you yesterday. I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
I'm so glad you had a good shower!!!! (I always want to say SHAW-WAH...)
The belly is beyond ADORABLE.
Agnes and Leike want to know why you all think so highly of that big ol' belly but not of them.
WAH. They are beautiful and sweet and so so playful.
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