28 February 2008

It's official

So I had a doctor's appointment this morning, one of those run of the mill check in with the doc to make sure the baby is still alive kind of visits.

Turns out I have the flu. All official like.

It also turns out that my yet unborn child is already healthier than I am.

It's rather disarming when you go in with your little list of questions for your Trained and Certified Medical Professional and the first thing she tells you is that she looked at the ultrasound and your baby boy is a model of perfection and while I might feel AWFUL (I could think of a number of inappropriate words to describe how I really feel), my Son is doing BEAUTIFULLY. Which, was really all I needed to know.

Other than that news, my blood's as clean as a whistle, my blood pressure is even fairly normal (as I've been laying nearly comatose for the past 2 days that should be no surprise) and I lost 3 pounds which I expected to get lectured about and prescribed, oh, I don't know--Ice Cream, maybe--but which they're all, "Wow, your weight looks great!"

So in exchange for coughing up pieces of myself every hour or so, I have a perfect little boy swimming laps around me and strangely, I don't resent that at all.



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