Little Known Facts...

Did you know that the printer that sits by my desk sounds just like a fetal doppler when it's printing something?
Did you know that if you clear your desk on Friday so as to have an easy and quiet Monday you will inevitably get 40 emails in the course of said Monday morning?
Did you know that academics NEVER clear off their hard drives? And they will ALWAYS ask you to go looking for a document that they can't remember what it's called but they modified it just last week and it can't be that hard to find...
Did you know that graduate school candidates wear FUNERAL clothes to their interviews? I chuckle every time I see them and walk past their interviews thinking, "There's a double meaning in that..."
Did you know that the most valuable weapon in my employment arsenal is the Smile and Nod. My education means next to nothing in the Workplace, instead when I come to work and faculty members start talking to me as if I am a new arrival to this planet I just smile and nod. They get to walk away feeling well pleased and I don't have to muster the energy to convince them that I am a cognitive and sentient being. We can both go our merry ways.
Did you know that I'm 5 months pregnant and the HORMONES that have mutated into a quiet, seething rage? That can't be good for the Dude...
So there you go. It's a Monday. I've got the Rage. My grandma is having hip replacement surgery today and I can think of about 50 places that I'd rather be than at my desk. Go figure. The Husband remains over worked with school and therefore more absent than not. A tree fell over this weekend at the place where we've been dog-sitting. So I got to walk Hogan while he Peed on the World and the Husband chopped up a tree. But the pillowy lining is that my mom made me a loaf of homemade white bread and I can go home tonight and have toast.
What did you all do this weekend?
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