26 September 2007

Melancholy Morning

Hi. I am the Wife. This is my blog. I am boring lately because of all of the aforementioned wonkiness. I have decided to wallow for a moment.

Please indulge me in the Wallow. Why am I wallowing? I will make you a list. I will try not to bore you.

Things that I miss and that are making me Sad lately:

1) The Husband. Lo. He has been sucked into the Black hole of Husbands: Graduate School. I know. I have no right to complain. I lived in the Black hole for 3 years and he didn't complain. much. Still. He's one of my few friends here. And he's my best friend. And I hardly see him now. And when I do see him our conversation consists of: "Hi." "How was your day?" "Studying? Okay." "Coming to bed anytime soon?" "Okay. Goodnight."

2) Sarah. She always knows when I'm wonky, how does she do that? And also she's very funny. She makes fun of her husband and she calls her kids "crackheads." we love her.

3) M'AmyLynn. She's with child and I feel dumb being so far away from her right now. She has always been dearer to me than a sister and I feel like I should be with her while her life is changing.

4) Augch. I never thought that I would say this...oh, EVER. But: Georgia. I guess it's not so much that I miss the state and the place as I miss the people there. I miss those three happy years that I spent there surrounded by wonderful people. I miss how often we laughed and the ways we loved one another. I miss that camaraderie.

5) Seattle. I know...it's flawed! It rains 9 months out of the year! The traffic! The taxes! I know. But it's still home...in its own way. I understood myself in Seattle in a way that I seriously doubt I ever will again. I knew who I was every time I planted my foot on the ground. And also I never got lost there. Well, almost never.

6) Rain. NC has been in a state of SEVERE DROUGHT all summer. Every where you go, you walk on the grass and it sounds like walking on pop corn. It's dry. It's hot. and it's depressing. How do people live in deserts?

7) The lack of junk food in my life. I know! I could control this one! I can go buy junk food! The problem is that when I buy junk food I feel guilty! It's like buying porn! I've done something that I'm not supposed to do! And then! THEN! If I dared to buy and actually EAT said junk food...then I would feel miserable for not being healthier and thinner and la dee da! So what is worse? Be a bit mopey on a Wednesday morning because there isn't any junk food in my pantry (and seriously, people. There's nothing. The most junky thing we have right now is reduced fat corn chips. Although. Since I'm confessing, I must admit that I have butter softening on my counter tops for a new recipe that I'm creating in my head for chocolate chunk cookies. GAH! I am EVIL!)? Or LOATHE myself for indulging in food with no nutritional value whatsoever?

I should leave you nice people alone. Go wallow in my melancholiness. What are you wallowing in lately?



At September 26, 2007 at 12:13 PM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

Deary, I miss you too. And I'm wallowing in somewhat similar things: missing you you you, the chunk of glass that is now missing from my windshield due to a very Foul Errant Highway Rock, work stress, stress in general, etc. etc. Perhaps I shall send you a care package filled to the brim with junk food? Then you don't need to feel the purchasing guilt, and I can promise that anything I send in the mail is free of calories and fat. Because I'm just magic that way. Any special requests?


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