27 July 2008

More Guantanamo Hours

And the crap hits the fan.

So, the Boy is brilliant. In my efforts to teach him that nighttime is for sleeping I neglected to stipulate that nighttime is for sleeping in several hours at a time. Last night he slept great but in hour and half increments and was up to eat every hour or hour and half ALL NIGHT LONG.

Needless to say, bits of my brain are draining away with every nighttime feeding.

This evening we managed to keep him awake for a while, but then--and this is quite a feat of WILL--he manged to fall asleep MID-CRY of fury. Seriously. I'm only sorry I didn't get a picture of it. There he sat, on top of the Husband (because I was also having a CRY of fury), mouth wide open in RAGE, head bright red, veins standing out on his forehead; he blinked and then was asleep. Mouth still wide open. Honestly, the Husband and I both laughed--what else could we do?

In other stimulating news, I'm pretty sure that everything I normally eat is upsetting his stomach--hence the wails of pain during the day. Me? I have been living on bread and cheese most days...and water. I hate the idea that I'm trying to feed him what is best for him and it's causing him pain...enough people in this world are going to cause him pain, his mother shouldn't.

The Husband has been notably awesome during the Hell Week of Guantanamo, he's holding the Boy now as he WAILS IN UTTER INDIGNATION. He's taken him most of the day so that I could get some sleep--which I did, but not nearly enough, I did get to read a bit however, and relax in general.

Any suggestions for my nightly lectures this week since the Boy will not go quietly into that dark night?



At July 27, 2008 at 8:59 PM , Anonymous Jeff VanD. said...

My suggestion for the lectures... German Fairy Tales... in the original. :)

Hang in there! It is all worth it... I promise...

At July 27, 2008 at 9:48 PM , Anonymous Karen said...

Brutal!!! Good thing the boy is cute, like you said :) People kept telling me it gets better at 6 weeks, and surprisingly, it really did get a lot better at 6 weeks. So only 4 more weeks to go :) Seriously, we would love to come hang out and play cards, so I'll call sometime this week. Me and Eli are good to hang out anytime, especially in the afternoon when we are BORED out of our minds!!

At July 27, 2008 at 10:37 PM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

Hey!! I'm so sorry to hear The Boy just won't sleep for you :( It gets better. It does. So, you're eating cheese still... maybe try no dairy? Maybe it's bothering his tummy...? Just a thought. I still want to call you :)

At July 28, 2008 at 9:43 AM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

Topics... try real estate legal jargon. It's putting me to sleep pretty well.

At July 30, 2008 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous Emily said...

Sad. I wish I could help you out!! I have a great book that I lived by with my kids. But I do think the first is quite the experiment- I laugh at some of the things we did with Ty! Cameron really is such a beautiful baby.

At July 30, 2008 at 10:56 AM , Anonymous The Hartzog's said...

Hi Melissa! It's literally been years! At least a couple, but I just wanted to tell you that I completely understand the whole baby not sleeping thing. There were nights that I was about ready to slip my child some benedryl to get him to sleep for more than an hour. Luckily though it was just a phase and after about a month he finally figured out our schedule. Now when Kenneth sleeps all night long I get a crappy nights sleep. It's like my body has become accustomed to being disturbed in the middle of the night and anything different is unacceptable to my body. Oh how I long sometimes for the days when I could go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 8 without knowing that my kid had been crying for an hour. Kids make the early to bed early to rise scripture a reality in your life.

Your baby is beautiful, and I am so happy for you guys!

Jennifer (Pierce) Hartzog

At August 9, 2008 at 1:56 AM , Anonymous Robbie said...

In case you are wondering why I'm posting comments as though traveling back in time, I can't sleep tonight and am getting caught up with the News from Burnstopia, for which I will now receive updates through my news-feed reader.

Just out of curiosity, when you say that you hate the idea that you're trying to feed him what is best for him and it's causing him pain do you mean his indigestion? The reason I ask is that you described having pretty severe indigestion during pregnancy, which correlates very strongly with digestive problems in neonates. There's no real alternative that you can feed him that would lessen it, so you shouldn't feel bad about it. In fact, you should continue to feel proud that you are doing your best to keep up with what is best for him.

You might also want to know that this can also be the reason for his inability to stay asleep at night as he might be experiencing some degree of acid reflux when lying horizontally. One possible solution to this is to, very slightly, tilt his sleeping container or platform or whatever (crib?) so that his stomach is angled below his esophagus and the acid doesn't feed back into the cardia. You probably already know this, though, but just in case you didn't have enough random people giving you advice I figured I'd join in. Of course, I should say caveat emptor, ymmv, and check with your favorite knowledgeable authority before taking advice from a man who's only real understanding of babies is that of a psychologist and a gentleman living across a yard from a newborn. Best of luck to you.


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