Hello Due Date!

I'm bored talking about the NON-events of my uterus. So, for those of you lovely people who are all anxious and concerned, just keep checking. We'll post--actually The Husband assures me that his very first post here ever will be the announcement of the birth of his progeny--when the Boy gets here.
In the meantime, go read a book.
I just finished Farenheit 451 and am starting Amusing Ourselves to Death by Niel Postman. I'm also rereading a great biography on Jane Austen. If your tastes tend in another direction check out Haven Kimmel's memoirs or novels, Edith Wharton--best read in the summertime, or F. Scott Fitzgerald--I also like to read him during the summer.
I recommend fantasy for escape and novels for pleasure.
The only non-fiction I can bring myself to read lately is a good biography of a writer, 19th century history, or baby wrangling books--though Amusing Ourselves to Death is a commentary on popular culture and proves to be interesting, if a touch enraging. If you want something to make you think, well, Farenheit 451 was AMAZING and the Husband is reading 1984--can you tell we're a bit cynical lately? What with all the dystopias in the air, it's little wonder.
I promise to update as soon as I come up with something more interesting to talk about than the current status of my womb.
I don't know which will be more amazing to me...the fact that you've given birth, or Chris actually posting on the blog. :) Of course it will be you! I know you're anxious but don't be hasty like me and rush into something stupid. He'll come when he's good and ready. I love you. Check my blog, I posted something for you.
Oh, and when we went on our hospital tour one of the (future) moms mentioned that she was going to bring a blanket for the first day so she could then send it home for her animals to smell the baby. I don't know if that's really necessary but the Leike may appreciate the gesture...who knows?!?!?
COME OUT, BOY!!! We all want to meet you and I miss your mommy here at work sooo ... her not being here and you're still being there (there = in utero) royally sucks for all involved. Your cooperation would be much appreciated. K, thanks.
no update...what does this mean...?
~love and waiting...
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