18 April 2008

80 Days to go and the Same Damn Dress

Why, yes, I am wearing the same dress today that I wore in that 28 weeks belly picture, and yes it makes the Belly look much bigger than it is, and ask me how much I care because the dress is more comfortable than words can describe and it will be in the mid-80s today, people, the MID 80s--as in the temperature not the decade and it's only April. Also, this post is likely to be all pregnancy...so if you're not interested, by all means turn away, it will not hurt my feelings.

In other news, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I passed that heinous 3-hour glucose test on a technicality. So, needless to say, that the Responsible Wife is still carefully weeding out junk food and carbohydrates in order to try and have a baby that will actually fit in my body. My iron count is really low (which may explain the total and complete exhaustion of late), but the Boy is doing well and all the other related pains are just part of pregnancy.

I didn't sleep at all on Wednesday night, as in 0-hours. And at 3am I started sneezing. The Boy took a rather strong exception to all of this and began a 90 minute long mosh pit thrash session that was so exciting I nearly woke the Husband up just so that he would know that I was not exaggerating it. I didn't have the heart to tell the Boy of his immanent doom--between me and the Husband the kid is bound to have allergies and spend the rest of his life with seasonal congestion. Sorry, kid, can't win 'em all.

That early morning thrash session was repeated in less violence during the farewell party of one of the employees here at the Workplace. I was trying to be discrete in covering up his gymnastics, which were decidedly visible from the outside, lest anyone at the Workplace assume that I'm gestating some alien life-form that's going to climb out and destroy the world as we know it. I blame the ice cream cake.

One of the other girls at The Workplace delivered her big boy last night, which is great for her because the woman just finished her PhD dissertation defense and submitted the dissertation--she's so relieved to be done with that and she was so miserable and uncomfortable at the end that I'm ridiculously happy for her to have her Boy and be able to get her body back, within reason. Which leaves me. The last pregnant girl at the Workplace. It's a little bit strange. At first there were 4 of us and now there's just me...it's kind of lonely.

One last FYI for a Friday: Did you know that the Husband and I--we have some amazing friends. And we love them.

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At April 18, 2008 at 10:30 PM , Anonymous Sarah said...

I was thinking about you and your sleepless nights today and thought I should tell you about Ambien. I had insomnia with Jacob (or maybe I was just uncomfortable) and those little pills were a life-saver. I NEVER felt groggy in the morning and I didn't feel they were addictive at all. In fact, they lose effectiveness over time (at least they did for me) so it was a good incentive for only taking one when I really needed to. Ask your OB and get some. Trust me, you'll be glad you did. Also, I wore the same ugly floral dress that was from the 80s (the decade, not the temperature) for the end of both pregnancies. Now look what decade is back in style. That's me! The Trendsetter! Oooh. I just looked at my word verification letters and you do not want your pretty little ears to hear what it could stand for! Yikes!


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