01 June 2009

What I did this weekend: a list.

  • The usual cleaning and laundry with the added bonus of purging things we're not going to move, only to have the Boy go behind us and discover that those steel mixing bowls that WE never use? Those are the GREATEST toy EVER.
  • Arranged to stay in our apartment until the END of June. YAY! I didn't think it would be possible since I know that demand for our floor plan is high, but lo, it worked out brilliantly. We'll stay in our apartment until the end of June and then move in some direction. Am a fantastic wife.
  • Reread The Gift of Asher Lev since I finished rereading My Name is Asher Lev. Those books make me CRY every.single.time.
  • Said good-bye to TOO many Friends. Was sad. Did much brooding over the fact.
  • Contemplated buying real groceries since we'll be in our apartment for the rest of June...we might want to eat more than just canned goods and bread.
  • Went to dinner with my awesome sister, her hubs, my Super Spy brother and his awesome wife--ate and obscene amount of salad followed by key lime pie, because, you know...dinner was a SALAD.
  • Walked around Barnes and Nobles and made a mental list of books I want to pick up and read once we have a job.
  • Sat and watched Band of Brothers with my awesome nephew who stayed with the Boy so that we could go to dinner with the aforementioned sister, hubs, brother, wife.
  • Sat and played with the Boy until he laughed so hard he got the hiccups, at which point I sat down to blog and watched him play with the rice steamer (see above item regarding Things We're Getting Rid of Before Moving.)
  • Watched the Graduate with the Husband--he'd never seen it before--and it was better than the first time I watched it. I sang the entire soundtrack and Chris bemoaned the fact that I didn't warn him that parts of that movie are just painful to watch.
  • Attempted to build obstacle courses for the Boy designed to discourage him from trashing the apartment. Result? An even more trashed apartment what with the trashed obstacle course and then the trashed apartment.
  • Laughed and cuddled and rocked and sang and danced and yet more cuddles and thought, "I might have to get me another one of these."



At June 1, 2009 at 9:24 AM , Anonymous ~SH~ said...

The last bullet point is my favorite! ;)

At June 1, 2009 at 10:23 AM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

Yay for a good weekend!!!!

We were talking to some friends who have two kids and they said that their favorite age range has been 18 months to three years. When Chip asked why not four years old, they said that the kids start to learn to talk back around then. Hee! It just makes me feel like as amazing and as fun as Alice is right now (so fun!), that it's going to get even BETTER. Which is hard to believe.

We watched BoB last weekend, too, and it was (again) so great. Last night we watched the HBO movie about Churchill. Wow.

At June 1, 2009 at 11:02 AM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

Yes! More eatable Burns children!! I'll take two!

At June 1, 2009 at 4:50 PM , Anonymous Bird said...

What a great weekend! I love the Asher Lev books also. I also cry every time.


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