15 August 2008

Promised Smiles

As promised, here are the first smiles...and oh, they are blinding me with the cuteness! Of course he's also napped today and he's unusually happy and relaxed. Most of these are pictures of a game the the Husband plays with him which I affectionately refer to as WEEEE! Because that's the sound the Husband makes as he lifts him up in the air and brings him back to us.

How are your eyes? Still seeing ok? Try this one:


And just for good measure--it's Friday after all, I don't want y'all doing too much work on a Friday afternoon and being blinded by cuteness is a sure way to be excused...

I swear, he just woke up that way! He was all squirmy and I went to check on him and that was the face he was making! Also, he had just pooped. Behold, the power of a good poop.



At August 15, 2008 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

OH! MY! GOSH!!! What a BIG smile!!! LOVE it. And you'll love that it only keeps getting bigger!! Yay for smiley babies!!

At August 15, 2008 at 7:18 PM , Anonymous Jeff VanD. said...

Holy AWESOME... He is ADORABLE! Those are some great pics!

At August 15, 2008 at 9:46 PM , Anonymous Sarah said...

Yay for smiles! James has smiled a few times but it's just gas. I can pretend he's smiling at me...but I know it's a lie. I can't wait for a REAL smile! Cameron is too cute. You're a world class baby maker. Good job! I can't wait to meet that little guy.

At August 16, 2008 at 10:36 PM , Anonymous Katrina said...

Love it!!! Especially that last one. So great.

At August 17, 2008 at 12:48 AM , Anonymous Karen said...

What an adorable smile!!! I'm so glad things are getting better! It's so sad to realize that the wee babe was crying all the time because he were hungry. That was our entire first week in the hospital. I wasn't making milk, the wee babe was starving and crying all the time and shedding weight like crazy. Sad times. As you can see, he's obviously more than made up for it :)


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