01 September 2009

A not so still life...

So, as you all know, the Boy is a bit over a year. Still has no clue how to use a spoon. Mostly because his Mama FEARS the MESS. And so, anything remotely messy (yogurt, cottage cheese, pasta with sauce, oatmeal, smooshed up fruit or veg) I feed to him with a spoon whilst he amuses himself with crackers or other finger friendly foods.

I'm beginning to worry that my FEAR of the MESS will hinder his development. Child shall not live by finger foods alone. So I'm slowly attempting to let him use a spoon.

He's currently sitting in his chair, in the kitchen (with it's easily wipe-able linoleum floors) with a cup of yogurt and a spoon. He's already dumped half the container of yogurt onto his tray where he is wiping it up, one finger tip at a time, and licking the yogurt off of his finger tips. The spoon sits in the half a container of yogurt like some object he doesn't quite trust.

He's now dipping his fingers INTO the container of yogurt, still distrusting the spoon.

Oh Spoon! How could you betray me? How can I ever love you again? How can I ever TRUST you again? How will I ever let you into my mouth?

He's cracking me up. And he's COVERED in yogurt. But at least the floor is still clean.



At September 1, 2009 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Emily said...

My kids still think it's normal to eat yogurt and such with their hands. Tyler always thought this was the way to do it because Winnie the Pooh ate that way. Ahhh!

At September 1, 2009 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous Tori said...

Corbin is in this phase where she refuses to let us feed her, and she will not even touch a utensil. Everything has to be finger-friendly. It's challenging, but fun. And we have the dogs as our "clean-up crew" to get up anything from the floor! :)

At September 1, 2009 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous Katrina said...

You sound like Jared. He hates letting Asher make a mess. I, on the other hand, let him just go at it at least once a week. He's getting better and better at the spoon thing. A good food to learn on is refried beans because they stick to the spoon.

At September 1, 2009 at 10:32 PM , Anonymous Amy said...

Nate's almost 18 months and he's just now (within the past 2 weeks) interested in using utensils. I TRY to go with the flow for the mess. Good thing we have a dog who loves to do clean-up. That's not so great when Nate does it at Nana's house!


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