08 July 2009

Hot Fruit Eaters--How wrong you are.

Ok, so I promised this post to Whimsy quite some time ago and here it is at last. I can't promise that it will be witty or funny or anything other than a rant against any and all forms of hot fruit out there, so readers, ye be warned.

I've always had some food issues. I can't take time to explain them all, I need a shower. But I can give you the run down on one big one and a small subset issue regarding FRUIT. And since it's summer time, it seems appropriate.

I love fruit. I love fruit, fresh and in it's season. Eat peaches in the summer and only in the summer. And likewise, fall is the best and really only time for apples. Chris and I went to Costco and stocked up on fresh produce, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and cherries. Mostly we eat them fresh, room temperature in the case of the peaches, or COLD. Cold otherwise known as The Only Proper Way to eat FRUIT.

Chris just came in and saw what I was doing and demanded that I allow the exception for Pie. Pie can be eaten hot or cold in his opinion. I will allow the motion to carry but only for certain kinds of Pie. Namely, Peach Pie or, in very occasional circumstances, Blueberry Pie. All other pie should be served room temperature! All in favor, say Aye.

What really grosses me out are the fruit compotes. Or. OR! The people who insist on pairing HOT fruit with things like MEAT. UGH! Oh, gag. Am feeling nauseous just thinking about it. My favorite BIL likes hot cherry sauce on his HAM. HAM! UGH. I love Jeff, but MAN, that's revolting.

I've never really stopped to analyze why I hate the Hot Fruit so much. I think because it's so FAR from normal. Fruit ceases to be hot as soon as it is plucked from the ripening sun and brought inside to be consumed. From there on, it's all over with the hotness and it should be consumed as nature intended it--room temperature. But then! Then! Man went and invented the refrigerator and discovered how beautiful cold fruit can be, and thus, the modern age was born. Once strawberries went into the refrigerator, they not only lasted longer, but they TASTED better!

And refrigerator is a really hard word to spell. Moving on!

I think my love of cold fruit is why I also think that smoothies are the most perfect thing ever. It's fruit--COLD. Blended with yogurt and protein powder and therefore it can be consumed with a STRAW requiring no hands or dishes. It's brilliant! Chris says it's not real food. He's very hobbitish in his beliefs about eating--proper meals involve chewing.

I will allow that a slice of peach pie, warm from the oven and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream that melts into all the soft folds of the peaches, is a thing of beauty. And I have upon occasion sampled Chris' blueberry pie, likewise warm from the oven and melting into a purple swirl with vanilla ice cream, is also occasionally pleasant. But stray too far from that pie path and all goes WRONG.

I don't like apple pie, I never eat it. Someday I'll post a list on this blog of the other ways in which I am unamerican, but that's not really for today. Cook an apple and you ruin it. Apples should be crisp and crunchy and nothing else.

Cherry pie is awesome, particularly when made with sour cherries, but it's best at room temperature. Strawberry pie is best with fresh NOT cooked strawberries and therefore eaten COLD.

And that bring us to the end of M's happy walking tour through the world of Pie. I can't begin to comprehend what on earth people would want with any other form of hot fruit. I see recipes for compotes but I have NO idea what they would be used for because anything and everything seems WRONG with a compote. And we shall not, shall NOT I say, go near the idea of Mincemeat.



At July 8, 2009 at 8:26 AM , Anonymous Jeff VanD. said...

Just for the record... I also believe that smoothies are not meals... good, yes... but a meal... no... I shall go and live with C. in the land of the hobbits... :)

At July 8, 2009 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Molly said...

Pineapple on pizza? Grilled pineapple? Pineapple in stirfry? You know this post will lead to mutiny, right? :)

At July 8, 2009 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous M said...

Why anyone would RUIN pineapple by such disgraceful behaviors as COOKING it with MEAT, I can NOT understand. Pineapple is a perfect food RAW and eaten alone or in combination with other FRUIT.

And yes. Mutiny. It's what's for dinner!

At July 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous Katrina said...

Grilled pineapple on a hamburger is delicious.

I also like all manner of fruit pies either at room temp or warm with ice cream. And hot fruit compotes on waffles, pancakes, or ice cream are SO good.

Baked apples also good with ice cream. As are all manner of fruit crisps.

Yeah, I'm not with you on this one, M.

At July 8, 2009 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Jill said...

I spent a lot of yesterday cooking apples, cherries, beets, and carrots (very much separately) with the intent of a nice mush for babykins. She likes cooked fruit. She even likes it warm. She can't vote, but I'll vote for her - warm, mushy fruit has its place.

I am with you on the refrigerator perks, I LOVE cold fruit - room temperature is okay for tomatoes and avacadoes. Everything else is better COLD.

At July 8, 2009 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Kristin said...

Hot fruit? Haven't had much of it so I don't have a strong an opinion for or against. I do love cold fruit. All fruit goes straight into the fridge after a grocery run. I love smoothies and I will eat those for an entire meal. Jamba Juice is my idea of heaven on earth. Ammon, however, doesn't consider a smoothie a meal--perhaps it is the chewing.

Keep these strong opinions coming. I am interested to see what else makes you tick.

At July 8, 2009 at 1:55 PM , Anonymous Rae said...

I will think of you and giggle everytime I eat my baked oatmeal with peaches- so good it could be a dessert :) Love this. This makes me miss late night drives to Borders with you.

At July 8, 2009 at 2:57 PM , Anonymous Whimsy said...

The benefit of the Strong Hot Fruit Opinion is it brings out the passion, eh?

Hot Fruit Okay's Per Whimsy:
- apple pie (warmish) with vanilla ice cream
- blueberry pie (warmish) with vanilla ice cream

I have no opinion about the peach pie because (sigh), I've never **eaten** a peach pie. I know, am terribly sad about it too.

Everything else --- BLECK. The only thing that belongs on a pancake or waffle is MAPLE, or maybe some COLD fruit with cream. The smoothie is quite the Best.

At July 8, 2009 at 4:10 PM , Anonymous Bird said...

M, I am so with you. Hot fruit is wrong in every way. The beauty of the texture is destroyed, the release of flavors is destroyed, the whole point of fruit is destroyed. I don't believe in pies either- why would you take good fruit and cover it with icky goop? Yet there are so many people who persisit with hot fruit. I just don't understand why they don't get it. So wrong. So very, very wrong.

At July 8, 2009 at 5:30 PM , Anonymous the MuLLinS said...

Definitely with you sister. I allow hot fruit in -homemade- peach pie, and apple crisp. I've never had blueberry pie but I'm willing to try it next time Chris makes it and wants to invite me to try some :) You are a funny chicken my friend, funny chicken.

At July 8, 2009 at 7:38 PM , Anonymous Sibley Saga .... said...

There are some truths I've discovered in my life:

1. Being a dietitian by profession I've realized how people have STRONG opinions of food that really are all over the board.

2. I'm still fairly hobbity in my own food choices.

3. I may never fully understand some of the views you (and Whimsy, too) have on food

4. Truth #3 has not and will never deter from my whole-hearted adoration of you both.


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